News — empowerment
You Can Be Bejeweled on a Budget, and No One Has to Know
Accessorizing with the right jewelry pieces is a foolproof way to dress up your daily looks. Not a problem if you’re on a budget; there are already lots of options that won’t break the bank. It’s now only a matter of choosing styles that look more higher end, but won’t cost you too much.
#RelationshipGoals for 2023
Strengthening bonds and growing with people who always have your back is a lifelong goal. This 2023, here are a few relationship goals you may want to meet and keep meeting in any and all of your relationships.
Celebrating Singleness: 5 Linyahan ng Mga Single and How to Turn them Around
The year is 2022, and the month is November: we've been celebrating Singles’ Day, even stretching it out to Singles’ Month, for a while now. While singleness doesn’t raise eyebrows anymore as much as it used to, it doesn’t mean single folks are immune to feeling certain ways about their relationship status. If you’re one yourself, we’re sure you’ve busted a hugot or two or more about not being anyone’s babe. Want more linyahan, and ways on how to turn those sentiments around? Here are 5 of our favorites. Sa paggisa, hindi pala dapat bawang ang inuuna. Sarili pala. Why...